Environmental Drilling Services
Environmental Drilling Services
We carry the latest tooling to optimize site characterization. We can also work with you to devise creative solutions to site specific problems.
- Macro-Core, DT21 Dual Tube and DT32 Dual Tube soil core sampling
- Interior sampling methods to reach the areas a machine can’t, hand auger/soil vac utility clearance capabilities, rock coring, air rotary services
- Groundwater sampling via stainless steel screen point (SP16), PVC temporary piezometers
- Monitoring well installation including ¾, 1.5 and 2-inch prepack wells using direct push tooling and 2, 4, 6-inch and double cased wells using hollow stem augers
- Geotechnical (Standard Penetration Test) soil sampling, Shelby Tube Sample collection
- Well abandonment services
- Chemical and remediation services
- EPA/VAP compliant temporary and permanent Soil Gas Sampling Points
- Sub slab vapor sampling (via Cox-Colvin vapor pins)
- Geoprobe Direct Push Drilling
- Soil Vacuuming & Excavation Services
We often come across new tooling and methods, so contact us for any environmental or geotechnical drilling needs!